"I am lucky!": 56-year-old Lolita boasted antibodies to COVID-19


Lolita Milyavskaya shared with fans of intimate: she suffered a coronavirus infection and now again "in the ranks". As the 56-year-old Lolita told the subscribers of his account in the social network, antibodies to COVID-19 were found in her blood, and the disease she suffered asymptomatic and is now preparing to the first concert after the disease.

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Концерт в Крокусе состоится уже точно. Рассадка предусмотрена по всем существующим сегодня нормам.⁣⁣⠀ Мне очень Жаль, что мы вынуждены были закрыть продажу билетов, но таковы реалии сегодняшнего времени.⁣⁣⠀ Я не пела сольники с апреля.. Волнение есть, но есть и желание попробовать.⁣⁣⠀ Не знаю каким образом, но в крови большое количество антител. Значит, я Счастливчик, прошедший вирус бессимптомно.⁣⁣⠀ Но Вы, пожалуйста, соблюдайте все меры предосторожности! Мы у Себя Одни и Самые Любимые!⁣⁣⠀ На всякий случай, маски закуплены для всех ???

Публикация от Лолита Милявская (@lolitamilyavskaya)

"I do not know how, but in the blood a large number of antibodies. So, I am a lucky one who has passed the virus asymptomatic. But you, please observe all precautions! We have some loved ones! Just in case, the masks purchased for all, "the artist writes.

According to the star, it will be the first concert after quarantine. All norms will be provided, and only a certain number of tickets sold.

"Solniki did not sing from April. There is an excitement, but there is a desire to try, "Lolita shares.

On its page in Instagram Milyavskaya published a video message to fans. She noted that it was necessary to comply with all precautions so that the concert would take place and no one would suffer.

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