Ryan Reynolds advises not to watch "green lantern" even for 99 cents


Each actor finds a movie in his career, which he is not very proud of, and, it seems, "Green Lantern" became such a work for Ryan Reynolds. When recently, one of the fans asked the actor in Twitter, is it worth it to take the superhero tent for renting for 99 cents, he answered that even it should not.

It seems that even nine years after the premiere Reynolds did not accept the failure and hopes that he will take everything about Hal Jordan about his role. Of course, the "green lamp" is not the worst of the ever-created films about superheroes, and yet, taking into account how many talented people he cooked together, the result was clearly unsatisfactory.

In addition to Ryan, Tim Robbins appeared in the tape (Senator Robert Hammond), Angel Bassett (Amanda Waller) and even Taika Vaititi. He played the best friend of Hal, that's just incomprehensible, where his famous charm and humor were played. By the way, the situation with Weiti turned out to be particularly offensive. If not too memorable plot and mediocre tape schedule forgive you can still, then the transformation of the brilliant actor in a fresh character fans could not be accepted.

The director of the "green lantern" was also outstanding. Martin Campbell is known as the author "Casino Royal", "Golden Eyes" and "Zorro Masks", but, obviously, being the creator of blockbusters of an old school, he was simply not able to work in the absence of real scenery. Still, removing non-stop on the background of the green screen is not for everyone.

Ryan Reynolds advises not to watch

Nevertheless, participation in the "Green Lonar" brought Reynolds and something good. He met his future wife Blake Lavli, and also acquired a reason for jokes for many years ahead. And one of the scenes "Deadpool 2" even included a journey in time in which Ryan shot himself immediately after reading the "green lantern" script.

While the continuation of Dadpool is in suspended, but Reynolds has several entertaining projects ahead. For example, on December 9, a comedy fighter "The Main Hero" comeds on the screens, in which the actor played a lacking stars from the sky of the bank guard.

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