Straight from bed: Sobchak and Bogomolov came to the "Kinotavr" in pajama outfits


TV presenter Ksenia Sobchak and director Konstantin Bogomolov struck fans with a spectacular passage along the red carpet of the Kinotavr film festival.

Film festivals are traditionally collecting many stars, which boasted outfits and hairstyles. The 31st "Kinotavr" in this regard was not too impressed by the demanding Sochi public. The most bright was the appearance on the red carpet director of Bogomolov and his wife.

Star couple arrived at the premiere of Angelina Nikonova's film "Has anyone seen my girl?" In stylish outfits. Ksenia was held on the Red Winter Theater in a transparent dress "on the smell" with swans and lace. Under the ash-gray outfit, she put on a short combination of the same shade.

Sobchak supplemented the image of the Black Cossacks and the Balenciaga small handbag of the same color. She left her hair away, whipping them in a careless style. The image of long earrings with turquoise has completed.

Konstantin shone in a silk suit with a kimono-silk-steel jacket, black shoes. He casually threw a bright handbag on his shoulder with long handles. Many saw in such a choice of the trendy effect of Ksenia.

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