"Do you know what I saw?": Baranovskaya ridiculous "styled" Morgenstern underwear.


TV presenter Julia Baranovskaya admitted that he saw the underwear of the rap artist Morgettern. This happened not in a private atmosphere, but on a crowded party, but the incident upset Yulia.

The Baranovskaya's unusual experience told in one of the releases of the show "Of course, Vasya" on the YouTube Channel Gazgolder. It was about wealth and beauty, and Teediva remembered the case that it seemed simultaneously sad and funny. Straightforward telediva and did not try to smooth the impression of his words.

Julia shared memories of a party in honor of the birthday of Egor Cre. Among the guests, the Morgenstern was also, who did not neglect the alcohol and in the merry mood at the midst of the holiday ran out on stage. True, there happened to Him, Cofuz, who shocked 35-year-old Baranovskaya. The artist himself did not immediately notice what happened.

"On the festival and on the stage, Morgenstern ran out. He began to singing, dance and jeans fell from it. And you know what I saw? Such covered white [underwear] in rollers. And I was upset, "Julia admitted. She was incomprehensible, as a man "all in Rolesakh, diamonds" can follow so badly, what wears covered underwear.

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