"This is your brother theme": Podolskaya showed how the eldest son worries over the youngest


The graduate of the fifth season of the Music show "Factory Stars" Natalya Podolskaya three months ago became a mom for the second time. The star experienced conflicting emotions during pregnancy: they saw her elder son Artemy really wants and waiting for the younger brother, but the star mother was worried about the warm relationship between the brothers.

Recently, the 38-year-old wife Vladimir Presnyakova published a touching video in his Instagram account. On frames, five-year-old Artemy gently stolen with his younger brother Ivan. "This is your topic, brother, yes. Do you love me? Why are you so serious?" - A boy spoke with a smile, stroking the baby on his head. "Brotherly love you before bedtime from the topic of Vanya," signed the publication of a happy Podolskaya.

Such touching rebounds over the kid delighted the fans of the singer. They began to admire the tenderness between the boys, which felt through this video. "It's so cute!", "Conversation for souls", "What a silty, sweet puppings," wrote Folloviers in the comments.

Famous spouses Vladimir Presnyakov and Natalia Podolskaya raise two little sons. With the birth of Vanechka, by the way, the musician received the status of a large father. The husband's singer has the eldest son from Christina Orbakaite - 29-year-old Nikita Presnyakov.

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