"Did you know the young singer?": Photographer Pugacheva shared the archival photo of Podolsk to Eurovision.


Roman Rodin, Personal photographer Alla Borisovna Pugacheva, published in his Instagram the next shot from the "Events in Stories" cycle. In the photo of 15 years ago, a speech was captured by Young Natalia Podolskaya at Eurovision in Kiev.

"My photo Podolskaya at Eurovision in Kiev. Did you know the young singer? " - Roman Rodin addressed to subscribers.

The first responded by Smolensky Fang Club Philippe Kirkorov: "Of course!" Indeed, despite the past since the picture of 15 years, expressive appearance and dark red hair Natalia is quite difficult to confuse with someone else.

However, it is impossible to be sure that this photo will like the Natalia itself, because there may be unpleasant memories. Speech by a young singer on the Eurovision-2005 International Song Contest in Kiev is difficult to name successful: Natalia with the song Nobody Hurt No One took only the 15th place and took this result as a personal fiasco.

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On the other hand, it is possible that after that time, Natalia became an adult and wiser and now more philosophically refers not only to defeats, but also to victories. In the end, "the" Eurovision "does not end with life," how wisely was expressed by Sophia Feskkov from St. Petersburg, who took 10th place out of 12 in the Finals of Children's Eurovision 2020.

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