"Every pregnant goes crazy in his own way": "bald" Natalia Podolskaya Izumila Russians


Most recently, Natalia Podolskaya confessed to fans, which is waiting for the second child. It became known that the spouse of Vladimir Presnyakov, the younger already "on a decent term." At the same time, the singer, like many women during the waiting period of the child, behaves unusual. So, the pregnancy did not cause the removal of filming in a new video where Podolskaya appeared in a shocking image.

On his page, Natalia published footage from the set. To participate in video makeups made Podolskaya absolutely bald.

"How do you think on what time a clip is filmed? Did you notice that all the plans are belonging? Well, a white suit with a bath says everything, "says the singer, noting that it was the easiest shooting in her life.

Russian subscribers of the Podolskaya account were amazed seen and hurried to write about it in the comments.

"Every pregnant goes crazy in his own way," "Alien", "is very unpleasant to look at it," write folloviers.

Some subscribers acted so much that they called the image of the "terrible" and "ugly."

Only units tried to support Natalia and began to guess, on what time the video was filmed on the video. The most frequent assumptions were that the singer was on the fifth sixth month.

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