"The most difficult star": Druzhinin told how Pugacheva brought his team to tears


Dancer and choreographer, famous for the general public participation in the Dance project on TNT, Egor Druzhinin In one of the last releases of Youtube Show, Sagittarius recalled, as he worked with the Primadonny Russian pop by Alla Pugacheva. Druzhinine "crossed" several times with the famous singer, even answered the concert part of her 70-year-old anniversary. Contrary to possible expectations, Egor recalls that in fact Alla Borisovna turned out to be a demanding and rigid leader.

"The most difficult and biggest star with which I had to work. This is a hard man, rude enough, "the Druzhinin tells in an interview. Also, the choreographer added that Pugacheva controlled every step and working with him a group, repeatedly "brought to tears to the whole team," and pronounced offended for the dancer phrase that the unfamiliar with his work could not fully trust him.

Nevertheless, the Druzhinin says that he does not hold the insult to Alla Borisovna, does not expect an apology from her and understands as a "director of its own projects." According to Egor, Pugacheva "Intuitively" feels, to which result wants to come during the production of each show. It makes respect and "reconcile with the nature of her work."

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