"Mock the child?": Pugachev criticized his daughter with makeup.


Recently, an experiment was carried out in Fan Account Lisa Galkina: an experiment was conducted in Instagram: with the help of a special program, the girl "aged" for 10 years. The fans came delight from the daughter of Pugacheva. They now consider Lisa cute, and at age 17, if you believe the computer result, it will be beautiful.

In new pictures, which appeared on the fan Galkina page, it appeared in his real age, however, with makeup. The girls have lips squeezed, their eyes are summed up and the mascara is applied to the eyelashes. At this time, subscribers criticized the Lisa parents. They are confident that Alla Pugacheva's daughter was crushed. According to the users of the network, the mother behaves unacceptably, depriving the baby childhood. "No need to exhibit such a photo", "Why are the eyes like that? And lips. It's not good! "," Finding over the child? "," One question: why? "," Paint does not go to a child, "" she is a very cute girl, no effects ... "- they ask for Folloviers.

Some network users even compared Lisa with a plastic doll. Others got up on her defense, explaining that she was a girl and there is nothing terrible in beauty experiments. Attentive fans are not at all that the snapshot is unreal, and edited in Photoshop. They just admired the charming baby, giving her compliments. "What a beautiful child, happy parents always have beautiful children, the law of nature", "Lapatulle is nice!", "Beautiful, super angel!", "Miracle child: and beautiful, and smart, and talented!" - Praise Lisa fans.

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