"Najornica and Shalunya": Pugacheva showed the language of gossip after rumors about divorce


Singer Alla Pugacheva and Showman Maxim Galkin showed a family idyll in response to another wave of rumors about his divorce. Primaudonna responded to the Peresa Najor Grimas Peres.

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Solva "raised" Pugachev and Galkin several times in different ways. A new reason for the intended separation was the imaginary treason of a 44-year-old showman of his 71-year-old spouse. Many fans of the couple considered that right after the voiced Pugacheva Rules of Family Life. "Do not look left! See right and forth, "Primadonna advised.

To stop multiplying rumors, the Star Chet has shown a family photo. Selfie made Maxim, removing himself and Alla close-up. The artist rose behind him behind him and replied to the peresya in the naughty grimace: showed the language.

"Do not wait, gossips," Galkin wrote under the picture, adding a funny smiley.

The fans were amazed how young the legend of the domestic pop, and was pleased with her strong family. "Najornica and Shalunya Alla Borisovna", "Alla in the refrigerator sleeps, or what? Everything is good and good, "" The best family "," right, to Heites only with such expressions it is necessary "," Alla Borisovna looks great. Show it more often, "wrote in the comments.

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