"Like a doll": the application showed how the daughter of Pugacheva and Galkina will look after 10 years


In September of this year, 6-year-old Lisa and Harry Galkin will celebrate the next birthday, but the fans are already thinking about how they will look closer to their age. The other day in the Instagram account of the daughter's fans of the Primateonna Domestic pop Alla Pugacheva appeared a snapshot, processed in an application, which makes faces in a photo 10 years older. Fans struck published frame, where Lisa is very similar to the doll. In the image, she has sophisticated features and bottomless eyes. In this image, it is like an American Dacot Rose, which is trying to make Barbie with all their might.

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Лизочка через 10 лет? #елизаветагалкина

Публикация от Елизавета Галкина (@elizaveta_galkinaa)

Fans do not doubt that over the years, the daughter of Priaudonna will only bloom. Some commentators are confident that in a few years she will be able to compete for the title "Miss Mira".

"Poor Batka will only fight the grooms to beat," recalled the microblog's followers about Maxim Galkin.

"As a doll," the opinion of Folloviers shared.

Some fans of the star couple doubted that the application could make an accurate forecast, but noted that now the girl is very similar to the princess.

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