Hugh Jackman supported a 10-year-old girl, which was raised in school


The actor saw a 10-year-old Cassidy Slater from Pennsylvania, which complained that she was offended at school. "They fit and beat me on change, pushing and even spit. Other children do not want to play with me, and sit down the dinner. Sometimes they even threaten to kill me, or they say to go kill themselves, "she says. This heartfelt video looked more than one and a half million people, among whom was the Australian actor Hugh Jackman. He published an open letter facing young Cassidy.

"I want you to know that you love. You are smart and special, strong and cheerful. And you are beautiful inside and outside. Grass is terrible. But I ask you, do not stop asking for help, because you can find it where I would not even think earlier. I am your friend, "Hugh writes. The problem of Slater paid attention not only to distinct people from the Internet, but also the father of a girl who did not even suspect the scale of the problem, and I want to believe that now she will have forces to resist the hooligans or deal with them with the help of adults.

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