Officially: Megan Markle and Prince Harry will go to South Africa with the son of Archie


"Duke and Duchess Susseki are pleased to announce that they were asked to go to the tour in South Africa this fall. With this request, the Ministry of Foreign Affairs and Commonwealth Affairs appealed. The duke will visit Malawi and Angola, and will also make a brief visit to Botswana on the way to other countries, "- declares the official page of the spouses.

In the comments, Megan and Harry's subscribers expressed her delight on the first family tour, wished the spouses of a successful trip and asked to share joint photos as much as possible. Also, almost none of the users did not find fault in the old age of the kid Archie Harrison. "Let's not judge them due to Archie's trip to Africa. If you forgot, William went with a princess Diana to Australia, being not much older. Diana wanted her son next to her, and the same want Harry with Megan. Well, well done! " - wrote one of the fans of the couple.

Officially: Megan Markle and Prince Harry will go to South Africa with the son of Archie 131202_1

Officially: Megan Markle and Prince Harry will go to South Africa with the son of Archie 131202_2

Officially: Megan Markle and Prince Harry will go to South Africa with the son of Archie 131202_3

We will remind, earlier, Western media reported that the Duke of Susseki can move to Africa for several years. The Sunday Times authoritative edition and at all shared an anonymous source message, which said that a trip to Africa is a way of royal family to keep Megan and Harry away from the media.

Officially: Megan Markle and Prince Harry will go to South Africa with the son of Archie 131202_4

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