Prince William and Kate Middleton became the most influential people of Great Britain (Megan and Harry - no)


The most socially important Persons of 2019 were Prince William and Kate Middleton. Over the past few months, they have repeatedly been published, they prepared Chelsea Garden to the exhibition of flowers, developed the heads together project, headed the "Royal Duke and Duchess Cambridge" and not only. It is noteworthy that the list has been published a few days after the Prince Harry and Megan Marck officially left the foundation. The Dukes of Susseki also included in the list of influential people, but they did not get into the top ten.

Prince William and Kate Middleton became the most influential people of Great Britain (Megan and Harry - no) 131203_1

Prince William and Kate Middleton became the most influential people of Great Britain (Megan and Harry - no) 131203_2

On the second line there is a star "Luther" Idris Elba along with the third wife of Sabrina. The wedding of lovers covered the Vogue edition, and the actor himself managed to work DJ on the marriage of Megan and Harry.

Prince William and Kate Middleton became the most influential people of Great Britain (Megan and Harry - no) 131203_3

The third place was taken by the grandson of oil magnate Joseph Ghetty and his wife Sabina.

Prince William and Kate Middleton became the most influential people of Great Britain (Megan and Harry - no) 131203_4

The daughter of David Beckham Harper became the fourth in the list and unexpected influential person. Thanks to the star parents for the life of a seven-year-old girl, millions of people are watching, and fashionable houses invite her with family to various shows.

Prince William and Kate Middleton became the most influential people of Great Britain (Megan and Harry - no) 131203_5

The top five leaders closes the author of the book about the useful food of Laurel Astor with his wife Hon Will. Also on the list of the most influential people included comedian Jack Whiteholl, Designer Stella McCartney, Musician Mick Jagger, family of Melojin and not only.

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