Test: Find out the Soviet city by photo


Can you find out the city for one photo? If you are interested in the history of modern Russia and the distant USSR or often traveled around the country, then you can easily succeed. Russian architecture is one of the most interesting in the world due to the combination of the ancient Russian architecture and cultures of European and Eastern countries. That is why in Russian cities feels the special air of freedom, the latitude of the soul, monumentality. We bring to your attention a number of photos made several decades ago. They capture the main attractions of Soviet cities that have become their business cards. Some of them are even depicted on money, textbooks and pictures of famous artists. Part of the snapshot may seem complex and, in this case, you just need to study the history of cities that seemed unfamiliar to you in more detail. Note that in total in the USSR there were 2190 cities and 23 of them with a population of more than one million people. Guess the names of all the cities we offer - the task is not easy, but we are confident that you will be interested!

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