Test: How many lives do you still live?


Believe in the rebirth of the soul? Want to know how many lives do you still have ahead? Usually, these questions are asked by people who have already come across their lives with various mystical events. Inexplicable just pursues them, and the feeling of dejavu and the desire to know the mysterious signs of fate constantly appear in the shower. Did you ever seem that you have already seen this stranger and he even seems like a close man? Or maybe the feeling appeared that some events in your life are repeated? Or when visiting new seats, do you like returning home? Esoterics believe that people live a few lives, and that is why their deep memory periodically gives signs. In their opinion, the human body can live a short period of time, and the soul can live much longer - and maybe forever. Would you like to know how many lives your soul is prepared? Maybe you just started your way, but it is possible that come to his wise conclusion. Pass the test and find out the answer to this mysterious question!

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