Test on spelling: Are you a Russian or guest worker?


This comic test can quite seriously make you think about your education. The main criterion of the intellectual level is knowledge of the native language. And if you have long lived in Russia or were born at all in this country, then you must own them perfectly. It is this sign that can distinguish you from a foreigner. Russian is a language with a unique alphabet and a huge number of pronunciation, spelling and punctuation options. Sometimes writing words is not amenable to logic, and the same word uttered with different intonation or in combination with other words can mean the opposite. In Russian, a huge number of nuances, therefore it is not surprising that sometimes we are confused. Alongs and miss the head at all when they learn about the huge number of words-synonyms that determine the same concept. And the meaning of the proverbs, the sayings can only understand the truly Russian man. Do you know your native language well? Are you often confused by the end of words or forget their values ​​at all? Answer a few questions and find out, are Russian or guest worker?

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