Test: Is it waiting for you eternal life?


Eternal life is a question that still remains open even in philosophical circles. And many are really inclined to the fact that where-there behind the horizon of life, the path will continue and will be better than the previous one. Such thoughts visit people, as it is not easy to live with the awareness that after death we are waiting for a hopeless "nothing." Therefore, in childhood, we were read by the breathtaking stories about the eternal wanderers, the life of the gods, cosmic beings, vampires living with centuries, and the elixirs of youth. And somewhere in the depths of the soul, and themselves were not averse to being in their place and presented themselves with invincible heroes capable of staying alive even after the most serious battles. Would you like to live forever, or this thought is thrust you? What do you think, what qualities you need to have to deserve immortality? Let's check! We have prepared a few questions for you. At first glance, they will seek usually and do not have much influence on your destiny. But it was exactly answering them, you will learn about your distant future. Our task is to find out if you are a person who can live forever!

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