Test: Do you have a slogony, damage or love spell?


If recently you often lose things, do not cope with important things or just feel permanent discomfort, then it's time to check if you have a slogony or damage. Not everyone believes in the existence of unusual phenomena, but even the most embossed skeptic at least once in his life spared over his shoulder, pins to the clothes pins or put on the wrist a red thread. Malicious magical action can be induced by chance, but there are often cases when envious people purposefully spoil the lives to their friends and relatives. Their life seems to them not enough to them, and a beautiful picture in social networks at the girlfriends is simply annoying. It is rumored that sometimes one-only envious look can lead to the collapse of family, bankruptcy and even disease. And if you noticed that failures are pursued, we advise you to go through this test. Having answered a few questions, you will understand with what difficulties have become increasingly faced with more and more often, and check whether people with evil intent appeared in your life. This test is comic, but remember - in every joke there is some truth!

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