Test: What party are you from?


Each person is somehow interested in the political situation in the country. Even if you do not read news at all and do not watch TV, you still know the basic events, crises and many other important changes in the world. Moreover, each citizen has to regularly monitor the political environment before paying his voice in certain elections. To do this, you need to choose a candidate or a batch that matches your life principles. We suggest you test your political addictions using the test. Each question is offered several options for answers, of which you need to choose the closest in spirit. You will have to reflect on financing, the development of regions, the amount of wages and other important aspects of modern life. As a result, you will become clear, the ideas of which of the parties presented you support. Among those offended by the choice - United Russia, the Communist Party of the Russian Federation, the LDPR, "Fair Russia", "Apple", the Growth Party. Or maybe you are against everyone? Let's find out!

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