Test: How well do you know cats?


Cats are the most popular homemade pets. It is believed that these fluffy lumps bring a lot of joy into the house and create aura of comfort and comfort. Therefore, cat owners are surely sure that they are well versed in the behavior of their pets. But is it true? To be a good owner of cats and cats, they need not only to take care of them, but also to understand their language. What wants to say your fluffy favorite when it turns about your leg? Why did you bring the mouse to the house? Do you understand what is meant mournful purr or angry hiss? Replies to these and other issues seem obvious. But it's not always the case. The nature and behavior of tales depend on the number of living in the house, from the presence of similar animals and, of course, from the animal breed. There are more than 200 breeds of cats in the world, and if you consider together with varieties, it will turn out more than 700. And in all over 500 million domestic cats live in the world. Do you know that the seams love not only to note, but also sleep for 18 hours? They can also reproduce about hundreds of different sounds, when the same dogs are just ten. By the way, if you call a dog, it will come running, and the cat takes note. If you are not surprised by the facts above, let's check: how well do you understand the cats?

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