Test: What features of your character attract men most


Like a man - a difficult task! Often girls are confident that appearance plays the main role in attracting the opposite sex. Women seek to maintain a slim body, resort to different rejuvenating procedures and even use the services of plastic surgeons. And, of course, every girl tries to dress up. It is believed that as a magnet on men act a short skirt, a deep neckline, fitting mini-dresses ... However, if your goal is not a fleeting acquaintance, but a long-term full-fledged relationship, then it is better to support the level of frankness in clothing. Psychologists are confident - to create a harmonious pair, you must first of all pay attention to your behavior and character.

It is the ability to properly present himself and correctly behave in various, even the most stressful, situations can become a decisive factor in choosing a man.

We invite you to find out what features of your character are a kind of "lighthouse" for men. Or maybe it was your behavior that became the main reason for your loneliness? Let's check!

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