Test for creative people: Mix the colors, and we guess what your character


If you discovered this test, then you like to draw. And let in your creative archive there are no landscapes written by watercolor, or portraits of famous people, but you probably can be happy to dedicate the Sabbath evening the beloved hobby.

Interest in drawing is usually manifested from early childhood. Most babies enthusiastically study various colors, deactivating pictures with wovers and pencils. Paints usually cause greatest interest. It is with their help that you can create a real magic on the canvas. With a special trepidation, we begin to relate to paints when we mix them and get new colors. It is at this moment that it becomes clear how you think, perceive the world and its color gamut. Color affects the mood and can even cause the adoption of certain solutions.

With age, we have less time for creativity, so we offer to return to childhood and wave a brush again. But this time virtually. You need to mentally mix the color represented and select the final version of the proposed. This test will not only make you move the brains, its results will open the main features of your character.

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