Test: What type of women do you feel about?


Girls are different - some are amazed with their modesty and fragility, others, on the contrary, conquer the world on heels and with a cigarette in the teeth. But in the behavior of women there are a lot in common. An example of this is the arguments of psychologists. According to experts, there are only seven species of fair sex representatives.

Each type has its own characteristics and characteristic features that manifest themselves in behavior and appearance. Ease of nature is immediately visible by the flying gait, the silence of silence and secrecy, well, and relaxed women are often the focus of men.

True, some ladies are so cunning that they can disguise and hide their true essence for a long time to achieve their goals. But that is another story...

And today we suggest you find out what kind of woman really lives inside you? What role is more inspired by you: housewives, mothers, fatal women, business woman, good girl, mistress?

If you want to know what type you feel, you need to pass the test. After answering only a few questions, you will get the complete feature of your female nature.

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