Jamie Danan in Elle magazine. February 2015.


About the book "Fifty shades of gray": "I was wondering what this is a series of books, which, sorry for the pun, literally penetrated into the depths of the world market. What is it, so acutely reflecting the desire of a huge number of women? Many tried to challenge this book. But it is difficult to undermine something so successful. Mass approval is not always an indicator of something good. Remember even Hitler. But in this case, it should be considered an indicator. Just should. The merit is the fact that such people liked this book. "

About your character Christian Gree: "Once some kind of woman ran to me and began to shout:" Matt Bomer is a real Christian Gray! " OK OK! Let you like Matt Bommer or Alexander Scarsgard, or Charlie Hannem, or someone else. But we all try our best, you see? Christian Gray is not a real character. He is superhero, myth. Like a snowy man. It is an unreal, unattainable. There is no such actor in the world that would fully fit into this image. "

About how he helped him in the acting career teenage experience with a sailor: "Nodes. I know a few. If you watched the series "Crash", I saw that I often have to bind women. This year I had a maximum of a break between the filming of the "fifty shades" and the second season of "collapse". It turns out, I dedicated to women in a row for seven months. Perhaps now I would like to play comedy. "

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