Jennifer Aniston in InStyle magazine. February 2015.


About the upcoming wedding with Justin Tera: "Now we are actively discussing this topic. Just send everything to hell and do it? Or desperately try to organize a secret ceremony, from which you will not have any pleasure, because you have to hide in some cave? If we could do everything without noise and this annoying attention ... I think it is possible. When there is a desire, there are opportunities. "

About past relations: "It's no secret that I had some difficult relationships. I think all these difficulties helped me grow. I found an excellent psychotherapist. I realized that it is very important to love yourself. And spend enough time alone with you. Need to ask yourself why sometimes there is so much poisonous around me? Why do I attract it, and not something good and bright? "

About what title for tabloids, she would have come up with itself to himself: "Difficult question. It is necessary to ask Justin. Just a second. What about this: "When I get pregnant and get married, then let you know"? Not publication in the tabloid. Do not stupid Times or shit Times Weekly. They will not tell the truth. "

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