Jamie Dornan about "50 shades of gray": "Love story is more important than BDSM"


"The story of love is more important aspect aspect of BDSM," Danann explained. "We want to tell the story of love, understand? The film cannot only be dedicated to what is happening in the Red Room. The essence is not in this. There is something much more.

Jamie is not afraid that "fifty shades" will show many antiformistic. "I can understand why people consider those who binds a woman and can arrange her spanking, women's laminate," the actor said. "But in fact, men are much wanted to be in the position of Sabamissive than women. And these are very strong men. This The scene is much deeper than it seemed to me. In any city of the world there are people who want to spacked them with a stick with spikes. "

The only thing that does Jamie grieves is the need to part with his little daughter because of the upcoming promotional tour: "I was not the last couple of weeks, and when I returned, I barely recognized her. It's terrible. She has changed so much. And then I Very frightened - what if she won't know me? Saves a beard, but a couple of times I had to steal her. The first few hours she was shocked. She looked at me, as if asked: "I love you? It seems yes. "I have to re-conquer her trust."

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