Second youth: Christina Aguilera laid out a piquant video in honor of the 40th anniversary


As you know, on December 18, Christine Aguilera turned 40 years old and she began with dignity and enthusiasm began a new stage of life. In honor of the anniversary, the singer wrote a post in which he told about his attitude towards aging and adulthood, and also published a piquant video where appetizing forms demonstrated.

"There is a social stigma around aging. But I always took aging. Now I am an adult woman who survived a lot, a lot overcame, much created. I didn't just turn 40 - I entered the fortieth. I know who I was, accepting the one I became, and waiting for a new chapter that would once again change me. They say, at 40 years old begins the best years of life. You cease to steam about all nonsense, it comes clarity, and every action takes on a new meaning. I sincerely believe that the best life is ahead, and I am ready for her! " - stated in the new publication of Christina.

Fans of Aguilers are delighted with her relationship to mature age. "How beautiful! Thanks for this wisdom, "" I am proud of you and the fact that I have been your fan for many years, "you look amazing, like 20 years ago," "beautiful and confident. The best years of life are waiting for you! "," Queen! " - Singers are expressed in the comments of the singer's fans.

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