The new generation of viewers accuses the series "Friends" in sexism, homophobia and racism


For example, the viewers did not like the jokes of Chandler regarding homosexuals, as well as bullying over the thick monica. One of the Twitter users wrote that in the modern world there is no place for such jokes. But after all, the series stopped producing in 2004, since then, of course, Hollywood has undergone many changes. Other users are confident that there are not enough black actors in Sitkom, which is a clear sign of discrimination. Such a stormy response about the series is associated with the fact that Netflix resumed the show of "friends" on its streaming service.

"In the nineties I studied at the university, so I was looking forward to reconsider the" friends "on Netflix for the New Year. But I agree - jokes about "Tolstoy Monica" and "Gay Chandler" today seem completely inappropriate. And Joey that, has always been so slightly repulsive? Disappointed. "

"Nuuuuuu, not so they are wrong. Ross is clearly uncomfortable when his son plays with dolls, the characters of another skin color is almost no, and you can also remember how Monica dismissed for the completeness or as Chandler blew out that he knows how to add eyebrows well. "

"I agree that some things did not endure the test. Only alone Bodishing Monica today would be unacceptable (and not so she was tolstoy). But it seems to me, the indignation still should be muffled ...

"To be honest," friends "would be so better without all these jokes about the completeness and ridicule over" ugly monica. " I am already redrawing me. "

"And why are everyone so offended that" friends "are accused of sexism, racism and homophobia? Hi, welcome to the nineties, that's three words that Ross can be described, not to mention the series "

"In your life you do not need people who really like Ross from" Friends "!!!!"


"I heard that Millenniyala, who first watch" friends, "accuse the series in homophobia and any other phobias. Revising the series again, I, in principle, I understand, because of what the whole cheese-boron is just, you understand, "friends" were filmed in those days when people had a sense of humor and they did not try to be offended by everything. So go on *** y "

"My mother and I discussed what you need to watch people who accuse" friends "in homophobia and sexism to once again not be offended. The answer is documentary films about plants. "


We want to note on behalf of the editors that "friends" is the cult series of our youth, we are laughing at this day. And justice for the sake of a few girlfriends of Ross were dark-skinned, including Charlie, which was allocated a lot of airtime, and Nanny Emma, ​​behind which "hunted" Joe, and the former wife of Ross, Carol - Lesbian, which is hardly talking about the homophobia of the creators show.


"I know that Ross answered on this is all"

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