The series "From Los Angeles in Vegas" is closed after the first season


Sad news with the fans of the series shared one of his actors - Amir Talay, who played "from Los Angeles to Vegas" of the second pilot:

"#Latovegas fans, I love you very much. That is why it is so hard for me to tell you that our series will not return to the ether. I do not have explanations for you, but it doesn't matter - everything is decided. I will be very bored in our family - and by you, among other things. "

In the comedy series, which told about the work weekdays of the flight of the flight Los Angeles - Las Vegas and their regular passengers, could see enough famous faces - Dylan McDermott, Kim Matoula, Peter Stormar, Ed Whim, and one of the producers was listed "Special Comedy" Will Ferrell.

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