The scenario of the "Games of Thrones" forced China Charnington to cry


It is worth paying proper to the patience of China: even having received the scenario of all six final episodes in advance, he did not read it - instead, the performer of the role of John Snow decided to wait for a collective chute scenario. "What is the meaning to read alone, for yourself, if I can do it with my friends, listening to their voices?"

Because of this, his decision of the Whale eventually turned out to be the only man in the room during the very collective twist, who did not know that he was coming for the "American slides".

Throughout the process of "subtraction", the scenario on the roles (and he took two days in October of the past, 2017) Keith Harington served as a kind of "barometer" of the mood of the future spectators of the "Games of the Thrones". The actor admitted that during reading the scenario of the 6th series cried twice.

What made China cry for the first time, he did not tell - because of the spoilers, but the second time happened at the very end, and it was not something connected with the events of the final - and the moment when the caste got to the last page of the scenario itself The last episode.

"Every season on the last page it was written, for example, the" end of the first season "or" The end of the second season, "- explains Harington. "And this time" End "of the Game of Thrones" was written there. " And only then you start to realize that it really happens that it is really an end. "

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