George Martin announced the name of the "Games of Thrones"


The action covered will unfold for 8 thousand years before the events of the "Game of Thrones". George Martin, in collaboration with the Writer Jane Goldman, will tell how in reality white walkers appeared, how and why the golden age of heroes ended, and dark times came. The audience will recognize the terrible secrets of Westeros, they will see the formation of the great house of starks, and possibly the beginning of the construction of a wall, which in the future will be the only obstacle between the dead and live people.

The Hollywood Reporter edition confirmed participation in the TV series Naomi Watts. The 50-year-old actress will play a lady who keeps the gloomy secret about his past. Large details about the heroine Watts The creators do not disclose.

"Long night" is not the only planned project about the history of Westeros. The HBO TV channel is developing at least four series, which will expand the universe "Games of the Thrones" and will help to make a worthy competition to such giants as Netflix with his coming "Witcher" and Amazon with the TV series on the "Lord of the Rings".

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