Photo: Actress from Harry Potter will play TRISS Merigold in the series on the "Witcher"


26-year-old Anna Shaffer is known on the film "Harry Potter and Prince-Half-Blood" (played Romild Vane) and the "Class" series. In the "Witcher", she embodies the image of a sorceress of Triss Merigold, the best girlfriend Yennipher. Many fans remembered the character on a series of computer games, where the sorceress had bright skin and bright red curls. However, the creators of the series took the Book Prototype of the Heroine, which in the novel is a fun young girl with brown hair.

Photo: Actress from Harry Potter will play TRISS Merigold in the series on the

Anna in Harry Potter - and TRISS Merigold in the Games of the "Witcher:

Photo: Actress from Harry Potter will play TRISS Merigold in the series on the

Joey Bety, famous for the TV series "Falling Order", will play a better friend of Gerasta - Lucica. For the role of Kahira, the creators invited the star of the series "on the chains" of the immon of Farren. Lars Mikkelsen will become Stragobor, and Roy Pyrreson - End. The role of Lazzlo will fulfill Masya from "Justice Agatha".

The series will also appear characters:

Dara - Wilson Raju Pukhalte ("War Varvarov")

Marilka - Rebecca Benson (Macbeth)

Noahorn - Shain Attol ("Legend")

Vir and Nimir - Luke Nile and Matthew Nile ("Powder")

Daneck - Toby Bamtef ("Steel Star")

Martin - Sonny Serkis ("White Queen")

Fletcher - Roderick Hill ("Adventures of the French in New York")

Arida - Inge Bekmann ("Drop Troy")

Torque - Amit Shah ("Final Account")

Philavandrel - Tom Canton ("Young Morse")

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