The series "Blacklist" extended to the ninth season


In November last year, the eighth season of the psychological thriller "Black List" started on the NBC TV channel. Despite the requested ratings, the series still received an extension for the ninth season. This is reported by TVLINE with reference to the NBC statement.

According to the publication, the first three episodes of the eighth season "Black List" collected on average about 3.5 million spectators. In comparison with the seventh season, the drop in rating indicators ranges from 19% to 28%. However, according to the NBC statement, add to television ratings to playback data through a telecase, then it turns out that the project has reached the necessary audience to be considered sufficiently successful to extend.

The series "Black List" tells about the unexpected partnership of the FBI agent Elizabeth Kein and the former specialist, and now the most dangerous and wanted criminal Raymond Reddington. He voluntarily surrenders the Bureau and promises to help with the search and capture of brilliant criminal minds.

The main roles were performed by James Spander, Megan Boon, Harry Lennix, Amir Arison and others. The creator of the show John Banesp is known for working on the films "Anxious Challenge" and "Taking Life".

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