Artificial feminism and politicization: fans of "enchanted" criticized the premiere of the remreec


The New York Magazine edition accused the actress in a bad game, and the script is in artificial feminism, because of which stories failed to show how strong women can be. Critics appreciated the first series of the series very low and emphasized that in the remorse there is no balance between mystic and comedy, which was in the original show.

"That's just terrible. Jenny Snyder Urman simply created his own series and used "enchanted" as a way to advertise it. You should be ashamed, Jenny Urman! "

Most viewers agreed that restarting has too many minuses: cast, chemistry between characters, clumsy script and too obvious political bias. Of the advantages of the show they allocated only humor.

"Original" enchanted "and half did not have such politicized. It is too much and definitely not for me. "

Among other things, at the time of the first series, the remake does not bring anything new. It is still a story about three sisters (more precisely about three sisters - representatives of the ethnic minority) Vera who lost their mother, learned about their supernatural forces and met the keeper. It is not yet known what development will receive the plot in the future, but, according to some Internet users, the series will end in the first season.

Estimates of critics and audience on Rotten Tomatoes speak for themselves:

Artificial feminism and politicization: fans of

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