Producers "Games of Thrones" explained why the season 8 had to wait so long


From the very beginning it was announced that the shooting of the final season "Games of the Thrones" will be postponed until the autumn 2017 due to weather conditions, but now the shooting has already been completed, and HBO has not even announced the date of the premiere of the 8th season - work on it, despite The end of the filming is far from completion.

"The last season has to wait for so long because it is the most ambitious thing we have ever done," Benioff said. - We spent almost a year in Belfast, first getting ready for shooting, and then directly on the set. It seems to me when the audience will see new episodes, they will understand why they had to wait for so long. The final season is much superior to all that we have ever tried to do before. "

Benioff does not exaggerate: Earlier it became known that in the 8th season, which will have only 6 episodes, the viewers will wait, for example, a battle scene of a record scale, which was removed over 50 days in a row. Returns "Games of Thrones" expect in the first half of 2019.

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