Brad and Angelina do not want to be strict parents


Madox (6 years old) constantly pushes Paksa (4 years), showing who is the main one here. But Pax is also with character and responds to him.

But tone to everyone asks Zahar (3 years). "She squeals and shouts at the boys when it goes wrong," the source reports. Even 22 monthly shyil gets. "Zakhara constantly pushes and scratches it." Basically, this is due to any chips. "Once the Zahar scratched the cheek Shailo when she tried to take cookies from her. She always pulls the Shailo's hair when she herself wants to steal food from her. "

Recently, during the games of his brothers and sisters, the poor girl fell and broke the tooth. After that, Jolie is very afraid of her when she begins to play with them, because, all the games end for Shailo Absadins and Bruisies. Another source condemns Mama Jolie for feeding children only with pizza, chips and all sorts of sweet drinks.

"Brad and Angie let them have everything they want, because it brings some silence into their noisy family. Sleep children, too, when they want. " Therefore, children are often tired and capricious. Brad and Angelina, as it turned out, does not like to be strict parents.

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