Even the musician: the star of "Avengers" Chris Evans fascinated the fans of the game on the piano


One of the main actors of the Avengers Chris Evans published on his page video, where it shows the game on the piano, learning the new song of the Italian composer. On Tuesday, Evans invited his fans to a mini-concert of classical music, which was placed in several short rollers. By the way, 39-year-old Captain America installed the camera so that the audiences saw him and hands on the piano. In the signature to post, it was noted: "Studying one of my favorite works of Fabrizio Paterlin." A pleasant, calm melody periodically interrupted at the moments when the actor turned to the camera and smiled at his fans.

Back in 2019, Chris shared with Men's Journal readers by developing their musical skills since childhood, playing keyboards, as well as on guitar and drums. The video was not left unrequited, even the Paterlery himself was impressed with the actor's talent, giving a comment: "Something twisted in the air suggested me that today Chris Evans played one of my compositions."

Among the fans, the video has already become viral. The last time the artist "wrapped" the Internet, when accidentally published an intimate picture shot. No one could say for sure that the photo belonged to him, and the post was immediately removed, but it was too late. Fans all decided for him. Memes on this are walking in the network until now.

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