The star "Harry Potter" Julie Walters reported that she had a third degree cancer


Julie Walters, famous for the roles in the films "Harry Potter", "Adventures of Paddington", "Mamma Mia" and "Mysterious Garden", told the publication that one and a half years ago she diagnosed the intestinal cancer of the third stage. Doctors discovered an anomaly after computed tomography.

First time I thought: but can not be. Must be, the doctor was wrong. I could not believe

- Julie shared. She also remembered how the sad news told her husband, Grant Rofphi:

I will not forget this moment ... I told him about the diagnosis, and tears came out in his eyes.

The star

The actress suffered an operation, during which part of the colon was removed, and then passed chemotherapy. Now Julie says that he feels good. I recently passed the examination to make sure the disease retreated.

The star

According to Walters, the diagnosis "completely changed" her idea of ​​acting career.

It was a huge relief - take a break in the crazy work schedule. I had to be filmed in two long serials and two films. But I all canceled, and it is fine. I, of course, will not stop being removed, but absolutely accurately not return to the schedule when I worked every day from five in the morning to seven in the evening,

- Telted the actress.

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