Star "Avengers" spoke about the most terrible listening to the movies


Thanks to the role of Captain America in the film-depleted Marvel Chris Evans gained world fame, but the way to glory was not so simple. In an interview with Backstage, the actor told how in 2009 he tried to get a role in the comedy drama "such as a steep guard", which was the main star of which was the network of ROGEN. According to Evans, listening to this film was the worst for him in a quarry:

I entered the room. There were set, director and producer. For some unknown reason, my brain began to tend to break from the scream from the inside: "No, no, no." I started listening, but, saying no more than three replicas, I covered the wave of sweat, and my face became red. I said in the middle of the trial: "I'm sorry, guys. Sorry. I will have to stop. " I went to the corridor, gathered with thoughts. I laughed at myself.


When I returned to the room, we started all at first, but all this thistle repeated. My face became red again. I started sweating, so I again had to stop. I was asked to come in two days, but when I returned, everything went again! Feed, sweat and need to stay. Then I said: "Guys, I'm sorry ... I have to leave." I did not receive the role.

"Type a cool guard", filmed Jodie Hill in his own scenario, was released in 2009. Along with Rogen, Ray Liotta, Dan Backenal and Anna Faris, were performed. At the box office, the picture collected without a small $ 27 million at a budget of $ 18 million.


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