Long-livers on the horoscope: 5 zodiac signs that live longer than others


After all, astrology has long become real science, and in the results of its research it is difficult to doubt. Almost every person wants to know what the stars are prepared. Here are 5 signs of the zodiac who will live longer than others, as scientists say.


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Nature's calves presented the main thing from what is needed for long life is a good health and a quiet character. They rarely sick, besides, they themselves are watching their health. Representatives of this sign are very loved by order and planning, so they adhere to the dimension in life and the day mode, which is very useful.

They are also very active, love sports, a healthy lifestyle, so even the mature calves look much exaggerated of their peers.

a lion

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Representatives of this fiery sign from nature are strong in spirit and body. Overcoming barriers and vitality is an incentive for these people, not a reason for depression. When one problem is solved, the Lion is applied for the decision of the other, and sometimes enough for many cases immediately. Lying on the sofa and indulge in empty dreams - this is not for him. Representatives of this sign are smart and calculating, they follow their health and listen to their body, as they know that the disease will destroy all their plans. Nevertheless, Lviv loses the danger: they are so enjoyed by overcoming difficulties or work that they can urge themselves to full impotence.

Sometimes they need just more rest and calm.


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Sports, proper nutrition and healthy fish lifestyle are skeptical. What does not prevent them from living long and happily. What is their secret? The fact is that fish is an extremely emotional sign, and their vital energy is fueled by the correctly chosen satellite of life and the environment. They are intuitively looking for their soul mate, and if their choice is faithful and successful, in this case the fish are prepared by a long habit life and a calm old age in the family circle.

The worst enemy for representatives of this sign is loneliness.


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The health of the representatives of this sign of the zodiac saves their love for good food, sport and sexual activity. Nevertheless, cancer is very subject to stress and depressive states, which can very much to undermine his health from nature.

If the representative of this sign takes his emotions to control and will not be to stress, it is most likely to live to a deep old age.


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Aquarius has a huge supply of vital energy. Representatives of this sign can listen to their body and treat themselves alone. They can not tolerate hospitals, medicines and doctors to which they also appeal only in case of extreme necessity. The spiritual wounds of the Aquarius also treat themselves, digging in themselves and laying out thoughts on the shelves. They are wise and rational, possess good intuition.

Perhaps all these qualities and allow the Aquarius to live to deep old age.

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