Jennifer Aniston in Inland Empire Magazine. June 2010.


For the first time Jennifer Aniston shone his wonderful advantages in the role of Rachel in the comedy series ("Friends" still the most successful in the entire history of TV series) - Then she conquered almost everyone without exception - whether it was in a successful character, or in The most attractiveness of the actress, but since then this woman has many different titles, one of which is not much not enough, but an American favorite and Hollywood sun. Titles like a golden girl and queen Romomoma (romantic comedy) Aniston "received" thanks to successful roles in big cinema and the fact that her media face is just a chest with gold for the media.

In a personal plan there was all: loneliness, a couple-triple of novels, marriage, divorce, a couple-triple of novels and again loneliness - the irony of fate, in his films Jennifer Aniston always plays women - happiness men, with whom in the end gains happiness. In the life of the actress, still not found decent or no longer searched. Perhaps she "grown" in such a self-sufficient figure.

Family psychologists are taught that the perfect union is when 0.5 and 0.5 create a unit. It turns out when you are lonely and do not need someone nearby, you gradually regenerate from halves into one, and you can not create a couple later. Neither 0.5, nor with the more unit (unless you can't get enough for the sake of another unit) - or choose the shadow, zero, application (so that it was). This explains why in some unions a man worshves a woman or vice versa is in her shadows (units with zeros), in others - everything is perfect (halves), and in the third - the eternal differences and "wars" (collided units and no one wants to reset) . And at the same time there are single units - bachelors (chip) - you look at them and think why they are alone? But if they find someone, you think, maybe it would be better (he) remained lonely (im)!

After the completion of the series "Friends" is already a fabulously rich, influential and insanely popular Hollywood actress Jennifer Aniston switched to the roles exclusively in the big cinema and the role of the heroine, to which it was used. There were a couple of films unusual with her genre (not Romka), but despite the excellent reviews of critics, the decent familiar cash register films were not collected - the law of the film business, you either immediately remove in different genres, or once chose one, then not Twist then: since people used to see you, the cordic (his) funny face or making (his) romantic clumsy or sobbing (it) in the pillow or running (it) with a gun and a saving world (or saving (it) from creatures)), then be kind (a), do not experiment and do not enter your fans into a stupor.

In February, Jennifer Aniston was 41 years old. She celebrated in a circle of friends (and circling paparazzi) in Mexico in Cabo Lucas. In an interview with different glossies, she stated that she was ready for a new stage in life, while her tabloid romance with a colleague on the workshop (who still seemed to be, but was more short-term and less serious than that I would like the press and the actors fan ). She also talks about directed - maybe this is a new stage in life for the self-sufficient unit of Aniston, and not a wedding with children at all, what a large part of women dreams of.

Jennifer Aniston is one of the most popular modern women on which many girls and women want to be like. But what is her secret? The beauty of her body is not only a gift of nature, Jennifer is working on his image almost every day and lives on the principle of "healthy body healthy mind." She has a very nice face, plus she has a wonderful sense of style. At the same time, Jennifer Aniston is also internal beauty, an inner rod. What is the secret Jennifer Aniston? Everything is simple: in what practically can find something in it from ourselves or on the contrary, something that I would like to see in myself. "

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