Tom Cruz almost ran into an ex-boyfriend Katie Holmes


So, the host on the National Movie Awards awards, which was held on May 26, had to be pretty accounted for: the organizers did everything so that Tom Cruise was faced with the former boyfriend Katie Holmes Joshua Jackson. Katie and Joshua were filmed together in the Bay of Dawson, and after parting the current Mrs. Cruz said that he would always remember and appreciate his ex.

When the organizers realized that they needed to protect Tom from a meeting with Joshua, they had to develop an individual route of the locality for cruise, to put securiti to it (which almost went to the toilet with him) and strengthen security measures. Of course, places in the visual hall for the family Cruise and Jackson were also booked at different parts of the hall.

According to a happy chance, Joshua and his girl, the star of "inglorious bastards" Diana Kruger, arrived 45 minutes before the beginning of the ceremony, while the Cruise Cruise was late for 15 minutes, and Tom still wanted to talk with fans. In general, Cruz became a real nightmare of the leadership of the ceremony: while Emma Watson, Orlando Bloom and Gwyneth Paltrow provided in one dressing room, Tom demanded two in which vases with fruit and finished Indian food had to stand. Well, this is Tom Cruise - he can be all!

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