Zac Efron told about the first love, striptease and glory


The actor admitted that one time went crazy by Tyra Banks. He said that he had a huge poster with the image of the model on his ceiling, and he could just look at him for hours.

Zack saw the photo Taira in one of the Victoria's Secrets directories and immediately fell in love with her. He always liked Mulatto girls very much, but his tastes changed after he visited Sweden and saw several of the most beautiful blondes in the world.

In addition, Zak promised that one day a striptease would show, undressing filling in the film. But the fans are early rejoiced: for the filming, the actor will actually recover: "It would be funny, first, it would be fat, and secondly, to undress in front of the camera," he said. "For good role, I am ready to do almost anything and go quite away." .

Also, Zack is very glad that he has so many fans. However, it does not allow attention from the fan of fans to influence his ego or let him think that he is irresistible.

"Glory is a delightful experience, but do not follow too proud of himself. I do not come home and I do not imagine God knows who, only because women shout at the sight of me. I understand that one day it can end it," the actor confessed .

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