Treason Price: History Woods


And how many do not collect fragments - but only you will do it more, hurt. In October 2004, the titled Tiger Woods (Tiger, Tiger - Pseudonym Woods, name is His Eldridge) married Beauty Blonde Elin Nordegren. She is a student, worries a model for sports magazines, a daughter of serious parents - a mother, a prominent politician, former Minister of Sweden, and now - Governor Lena (district) Elevobrh, Father - famous Swedish radio journalist. When the lovers of doves got married, Woods were 28, Nordegren - 24. I got acquainted in Sweden a year earlier through acquaintances on the coincidence. The family settled in Florida near Orlando. In June 2007, the daughter of Taigera and Elin appeared to the world - Sam Alexis, in September 2009, the son of Charlie Axel. Elin enjoyed a reputation of a woman who does not like the attention of the recovery of the public, keeps in the shade and fully absorbed by the house and raising children. Tiger Woods founded the Woods Taigger Foundation, which helps to golf children from poor Negro families. He is icon, an example of an American dream, a good athlete, a beautiful wife, children. In the eyes of all America, Woods were an exemplary pair, while in November last year he did not hit the thunder among the clear sky. The results of investigations into journalists, recognition and deception of Woods himself, was the fact that Tiger for five years marriage changed the spouse with 120s with women !!! Just think: on average he had two new mistresses per month! Tiger, according to rumors, he himself listed all the women with whom he checked his wife while in the Gentle Path rehabilitation center (there he, like Jesse James, was treated for sexual dependence). Now this list got into the hands of reporters. His passions included the star Playboy Lorentan Jolie Ferrio, as well as a promoter night clubs Rachel teacher. It would seem that I would have gone to the sake of the children who cared in peacefully her husband, Elin agrees to start "from pure sheet". But suddenly suddenly leaves with children in his native Sweden and as it turns out later, submitting to a divorce. The last straw for Elin Nordegren Woods was the fact that her husband had a novel with a 21-year-old daughter of their neighbor. It is worth wondering that she was given to a divorce. Her beloved slept with a neighbor girl, whom they both observed an adult from her 14 years. According to the journal ENQUIRER, the input with a young neighbor was Woods in May last year, when his wife went pregnant (her son gave birth to Son in September).

A golfist representative denies a golfer's connection with a 21-year-old neighbors' daughter! His reputation is defined by global damage, sponsors refuse him, the first golfer on the planet has now antifuns more than fans. It was not enough to confess to the young lolita, and suddenly the connection began even before her perforated - so it's not to wash the old age!

Elin Nordegren and Tiger Woods are bred intelligent and quietly, according to the lawyer Woods, they are located in different countries, communicate through lawyers, both civilized people, but even a lawyer admitted coldness between spouses. Still would...

So what is the price of treason, whether it is one or a record Woods (already the term) at 120?! Does some people are not able to do not deceive? Parently suspect or live in pink glasses every time and once broke your heart? The price of treason is so high, what is she worth love?

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