Sean Penn received three years conditionally


We remind you that the actor was charged with vandalism, hooliganism, intentional damage to property and deposit and moral damage. The court of Los Angeles acknowledged the Hollywood actor and director of Sean Foam guilty of the first two points. Instead of actor at the court session, his lawyer Richard Hirsch was attended. He recognized the responsibility for "vandalism and a small offense" on behalf of the client. The owner of two Oscars and more many other prestigious awards, philanthropist, political activist and twice divorced 49-year-old Sean Penn sentenced to 3 years conditionally. In addition, the judge ordered Sean Penn to work 300 hours for the benefit of society and to undergo a course of psychiatric rehabilitation from anger attacks. Among other things, Sean Penn will be under constant supervision over three years. Also, the actor cannot now approach this photographer for a distance of less than 100 yards (91 meters), and vice versa.

You can sigh with relief - we are about Sean Penn. He, of course, do not Pai-boy, but such explosive celebrities are just constantly provoked, fill up like flies in ordinary life, screaming in the ear questions, climb into the face and under cars with cameras, hoping to "jump under the hot hand" and get Another scandal for the first strip (remember incidents with Russell Crowe, Chalk Gibson, Colin Farrell, etc.). The next 3 years to all paparazzi will be difficult without witnesses to again raise Sean Penn and start a cross-shock, and then complain that they pushed and smashed the camera again.

This is not the first breakdown of Sean Penn on the annoying paparazzi. In 1987, the actor was sentenced to 60 days in prison for attacking the photographer time filming. Ultimately, he served only half the term.

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