Jake Jillenhol and Gemma Artenton visited Moscow


Jordan Mehner scenario co-writer reminded reporters about what exactly the original version of the game was similar, released 25 years ago. "The whole game" Weighed "as one email without applications. Heroes were 40 pixels in height, their faces occupied four pixels, and it was possible to choose from the cherry of the options, and in one of these options, the Prince had an orange face."

"That is why I was called for a role, only I had a sufficiently orange face," the role of Prince Dastana Gyllenhol interruled here.

On the question of whether he played in the original version of the game, the actor answered that yes he played when he was a little boy. "But then I took a break for twenty years. And continued only now, when I was approved for a role. To prepare, enter the image, played three or four hours a day."

Gemma Arthton admitted that he really plays well only in Tetris. On the proposals for the adaptation of which that followed immediately, Brookhaymer answered evasively, they say to Newell, which he will say.

To the question about the masculinity of the image of his own hero, Gyllenhol just threw the eyebrow - they say the whole thing in long hair. However, it was already more deployed about his attitude towards the character: he liked that hero, exactly as he himself, does not take himself seriously. "Therefore, Dastan is much closer to me than all my other characters. But this, of course, as long as they do not shield Tetris." Seeking, the actor also began to say that in fact there are no special effects in the Prince, but all the events and artifacts are actually real, and most importantly - real dagger with sands, able to turn the time to reverse.

Later, Arthret was still split: no, special effects in the film, of course, were. For example, all snakes appearing in the frame are computer animation. And in general, they have on the site - the shooting of the passage in Morocco was a special snakest, who accelerates all the snakes, scorpions in advance, and other creatures inhabiting the desert.

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