List of contenders on the "girl with a tattoo of the dragon" grows


There were rumors that the star "Education of the Sovereigns" Cary Malligan has an oral agreement with the Writer's Writer with Steve Zalen and director David Fincher, and the Star "Juno" Ellen Page - with one of the producers Scott Rudin - both rumors were recently refuted by Sony. Stubborn rumors are running that the main men's role is the studio and director want to get Breda Pitt - David Fincher worked with him in the "Fight Club", "Seven" and "Mysterious History of Benjamin Batton". There are also no less loud names like Johnny Depp and George Clooney.

David Fincher did not yet decide whether he wants the famous, or on the other hand, the absolute new and unpopular face of "Unnamed". So all of the above actresses may be overboard. At the Twilight Star, Kristen Stewart has a small advantage, in case of the preferences of the director of an unknown person known, - Unlike the rest of the girls, she was already filmed at the famous director (with Jody Foster in the "Fear Room" in 2002) and her director then praised her . It is just known about the main female role. One thing: David Fincher wants a girl who knows how to be natural to have the necessary degree of ferocity and capable of passing the hardness necessary for the role. The first detective romance of the trilogy, the "girl with a tattoo of the dragon," caused a storm of enthusiastic reviews and was recognized as the best detective thriller of 2008. The author of the "Girls with the Dragon Tattoo" Stig Larsson took the 1st place in the ranking of the most popular authors 2008 and 2009 to survey European readers, dividing it with Stephanie Meyer. The cycle "Millennium", consisting of three detectives, Sting Larsson is translated into 40 world languages ​​and sold more than 21 million copies. The French media nicknamed the trilogy of Larsson "Northern Virus" on how she, like an epidemic, captured the reading public of Europe. Unfortunately, the author of bestsellers died even before his books produced a furyor in the world.

Two films on the first two books from the cycle, filmed for the Scandinavian countries and came to rent in early 2009, called an unprecedented excitement in Sweden, Denmark, Finland and Norway. Now the American version of the first detective from the trilogy of Larsson, "a girl with a tattoo of the dragon," will remove the US in the face of the Sony film company, they bought rights in December last year.

In the director's chair of the future American "girl with a dragon tattoo" producers lured eminent David Fincher, the director of such films as a "fear room", "Seven", "game", "Fight Club", "Zodiac", "Mysterious History of Benjamin Batton" and Dr. Writer - Stephen Zaillaan, author of "Gangster", "Band New York", has an Oscar for the script for the movie "Schindler List". Shooting "Girls with a Tattoo of the Dragon" are planned to begin in September-October of this year. The release of the film is scheduled for 2012.

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