Gerard Butler again the sexiest


Tsar Leonid (Gerard Butler) asked the greatest percentage of votes (37% of 100%), overtaking the victims of Achilles Antique Cinema and Maximilian, leading to the beginning of the experienced sex symbols. Maximilian (Russell Crowe) took silver and 31% out of 100%.

Achilles (Brad Pitt) is eventually content with bronze and 24% of votes from 100%.

Perseus (Sam Worthington) received the remaining 8% of the vote from 100%.

The fact that a young in the world glory 33-year-old actor Worthington with his still "fresh" hero from the "Battle of Titans" Peremem got into this list of Matters of antique heroes of cinema, very prestigious and joyful. Therefore, the "Battle of Titans" like the audience and Sam Worthington, in particular - the lucky actor lately for images in the movie actor, which is not a role, the explosion (Terminator-4, Avatar, the Battle of Titans).

And of course, congratulations to the winner, the 40-year-old Gerard Batler with his way the King Leonid, after which the Hollywood actor of Scottish origin woke up by the famous world. Now the actor is experiencing the second wave of global fame, filmed in Serbia in the modern formulation of the Shakespeare tragedy and is suspected of close relationships with the most enviable bride of America.

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