Why do we love Peter Fachinelly?


Carlisle is the head of the Cullen Vampire Family. Fachinelly firmly says for whom he, when it comes to the confrontation of Edward and Jacob.

"I'm in Team Edward because he is my son, and I love to keep my family." But the choice of Team Edward - which Robert Pattinson plays - for Fachinelly goes beyond family ties of heroes. "Even if I hadn't been connected with twilight movies, I would still chose the Edward team. There is something interesting in the idea of ​​eternal life, live this eternity."

Fachinelly such a big fan Edward that if he was younger, he said that he would have deprived Robert Pattinson's work. "If I were about 10 years old, 11 are younger - how many row, 24? - I would like to play Edward, but the apple does not fall away from the tree, so I'm great to play Carlisle," continues to be in a joke, or seriously Interview People to tell Fachinelly.

As for Pattinson, Falinelli and here can not be serious: "He is an excellent guy, very professional. He always thinks that it is very tense, with him funny. But I would like him to once be bored in the bathroom. I'm kidding ! I do not know where these rumors come from?! "

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